Long long time ago, about a decade from now, I dreamed about becoming a rockstar. I wrote songs, played guitar and tortured my family with a loudly played distorted music from the hi-fi coming from my bedroom covered with posters, filled with ripped CDs and piles of vinyls taken over after my uncle left them behind. Years passed and I never wrote anything worth listening and eventually after a short stunt in a band, I understood music talent was not one of the gifts I was granted. Later on during my university days I toyed with DJing and run my own radio show in the student radio station, but eventually that love broke my heart too. For the past few years music was mainly present in my life through headphones.
But what goes around comes around, music has been finding it’s way back to my life in pleasant and subtle ways. During my photography break Chris, whom you’ve seen in this photoshoot, wrote to me asking if I would be interested in photographing a gig of his band The Last Bugles in Dublin Castle in Camden Town at the end of April. Despite the fact that event photography has never been my specialization and I was not taking any photos at that time I agreed. I was intrigued to listen to their music and I thought doing something completely different to my usual work may be refreshing. And I can’t say I regretted a minute, guys, if you’re into indie rock with a classic rock’n’roll vibe and a fresh catchiness, you’re definitely going to like them! You can follow them on facebook here and listen to some of their demos on soundcloud here.
Taking photos for these guys at their gig and rehearsals and the conversations about creativity have definitely woken up the appreciation for the rock’n’roll sleeping in me. Coming back to the roots has really helped me to come back to shooting again. After all rock music has these pure raw emotions at the core of everything surrounding it and distortions and imperfections are embraced as the part of art. I am craving for that in my photography and I miss the times when the candid moments were at the center of my work. Who knows, times are a changing.