Usually imaginations runs ahead of reality, but once reality speeds up the imagination can’t keep up. My last few weeks in a nutshell. I’ve been embracing the wave of invites to collaborations. Calming down little disasters and I kept dancing so that I won’t loose my mind again. That’s why it’s been so quiet on the blog here. But I promise you I have not been idle. I am sharing with you some of the photos from May.
What set out to be a casual photowalk with a newly acquainted model Asia turned out to be a really lovely collaboration and the longer we chatted the more we got along and the photos were turning out better and better! In this rollercoaster of events I did not have an opportunity to sit down and plan a more purposeful shoot with her yet – that we could bring entire team on board and shoot for a magazine submission.
Asia herself is full of energy and describes herself as a one-man-team, apart from modelling she’s also a radio show presenter on Wandsworth Radio and currently gathering material for her documentary. Keep an eye on this girl as she definitely has a lot to say:)